Domain-driven Development and CQRS

CQRS or Command and Query Responsibility Segregation is a pattern that promotes the separation of models for reading and writing data. The basic idea is that you can divide a system’s operations into two distinctively separated categories namely queries and commands. The queries are executed against the data without any side effects. The commands change the state of the data. DDD or Domain-Driven Design is an approach of finding reusable common patterns in a software system. In this session, I’ll present my journey of building highly scalable software systems with CQRS and DDD. This presentation is mainly designed for .NET developers.

Published by Allan Mangune

I hold the esteemed qualification of a Certified Public Accountant and have earned a Master's degree in Science with a specialization in Computer Information Systems. Since entering the realm of software development in 2000, my focus has been on adopting secure coding practices, an endeavour I have intensified after receiving my Certified Ethical Hacker v5 certification in 2008. My professional journey includes guiding clients through their digital transformation journey, particularly emphasizing digital security issues. For more than ten years, I have provided Agile Project Management training to well-known companies. I am a Certified ScrumMaster and have completed the Prince2 Agile Foundation certification. I had the privilege of being recognized as a Microsoft MVP for ASP.NET for ten consecutive years. Previously, I also served as a Microsoft Certified Trainer. As a hobby, I enjoy assembling personal unmanned aerial vehicles during my downtime.

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