Strengthening ASP.NET Core Applications: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing the Latest OWASP Recommendations

In recent years, web security has emerged as a critical concern for developers and businesses alike, necessitating a deep understanding and rigorous application of security practices. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) regularly updates its list of recommendations to help developers fortify their applications against common threats. This essay explores the latest OWASP recommendations, focusing on their relevance and implementation in ASP.NET Core web development.


The digital landscape is continually evolving, with web applications becoming increasingly complex and, consequently, more vulnerable to security threats. In response, OWASP, a respected authority in web security, provides a set of guidelines designed to mitigate these risks. ASP.NET Core, a modern, open-source, cross-platform framework for building internet-connected applications, is widely used for web development. By aligning ASP.NET Core development practices with OWASP’s latest recommendations, developers can significantly enhance the security of their applications.

Understanding the Latest OWASP Recommendations

It is crucial to examine the most recent OWASP Top 10 list, which highlights the ten most critical web application security risks. This list serves as a foundation for discussing how these risks apply to ASP.NET Core web development. Each risk is not only a threat but also an opportunity for developers to improve their security posture.

Injection Flaws and ASP.NET Core

Injection flaws, such as SQL, NoSQL, and Command Injection, occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query (OWASP). ASP.NET Core applications are not immune to these flaws, but the framework offers several features to mitigate them. For instance, developers can use Entity Framework Core to access databases, which automatically use parameterized queries, effectively preventing SQL injection attacks.

To address injection flaws in ASP.NET Core, you would typically employ parameterized queries and stored procedures, which are the primary methods to prevent SQL injection. For instance, using Entity Framework Core or Dapper, you can avoid injection flaws by ensuring that any SQL commands you run against the database do not directly incorporate user input. Here’s a syntax example using Entity Framework Core:

// Assume 'context' is your database context and 'UserInput' is a string variable holding user-provided data
var userInput = "user's input";

// Parameterized query using EF Core's Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
var result = context.Users.Where(u => u.Name == userInput).ToList();

// If you need to execute raw SQL commands, use parameterization
var userId = 1;
var user = context.Users
.FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = {0}", userId)

In this example, Entity Framework Core handles parameterization for you, which means that the userInput and userId are turned into parameters within the generated SQL query. This prevents attackers from being able to inject malicious SQL into your query by altering userInput.

Broken Authentication

ASP.NET Core provides robust authentication mechanisms, including built-in identity support that manages users, passwords, profile data, roles, claims, tokens, and more. However, developers must correctly implement these features to prevent broken authentication. Adhering to OWASP’s recommendations, such as enforcing strong password policies and implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA), can further strengthen authentication in ASP.NET Core applications.

In the implementation for securing an ASP.NET Web API using Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD), you’d typically configure the application to use the Microsoft identity platform. Here’s an outline of the steps involved:

  1. Register the Application with Microsoft Entra ID: Before coding, you need to register your Web API in the Azure portal under the Azure AD service, now Microsoft Entra ID.
  2. Configure the Web API to Use Microsoft Entra ID:
  • Install the necessary libraries for Microsoft Identity Web, which facilitates integrating with Microsoft Entra ID.
  • In your Startup.cs or Program.cs, you’ll configure the middleware to use the authentication with Microsoft Entra ID by providing the relevant instance and tenant IDs, as well as setting up the proper scopes and audience for your Web API.
  1. Protect the API Endpoints:
  • Use the [Authorize] attribute on your controllers or specific actions to protect your API endpoints.
  1. Test the Secured API:
  • Use a tool like Postman or a frontend application registered with Microsoft Entra ID to obtain a token and test the secured API endpoints.

Here is a basic example in code:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

// ... other services

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// ... other middleware


// ... remaining configurations

public class SecureController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get()
return Ok("Secured data");

In this setup, AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApiAuthentication configures the API to validate the tokens from Microsoft Entra ID. Configuration, such as instance, tenant ID, client ID, and client secret, is typically stored in appsettings.json or through other secure configuration providers. The [Authorize] attribute ensures that the endpoint cannot be accessed without a valid token from Microsoft Entra ID.

Sensitive Data Exposure

Protecting sensitive data, such as financial, healthcare, or personal information, is paramount. ASP.NET Core supports various data protection mechanisms, including encryption, hashing, and secure key management. Following OWASP’s guidelines, developers should ensure that data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, use strong algorithms, and manage keys securely.

To address sensitive data exposure in an ASP.NET Core Web API, you should ensure that sensitive data like passwords, tokens, and personal information is encrypted both in transit and at rest. Here’s a concrete example of securing sensitive data in an ASP.NET Core Web API:

1. Using HTTPS: Configure your application to only serve traffic over HTTPS to ensure that data transmitted between the client and server is encrypted.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddHsts(options =>
options.Preload = true;
options.IncludeSubDomains = true;
options.MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(365);

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
app.UseHttpsRedirection(); // Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
// ... other middleware

2. Storing Secrets: Never store secrets in your source code. Use the secret management tools provided by ASP.NET Core:

// In your Controller or Service
public class MyService
private readonly string _mySecret;

public MyService(IConfiguration configuration)
_mySecret = configuration["MySecret"]; // MySecret is stored securely
// Use _mySecret as needed

3. Data Protection API: Encrypt sensitive information that needs to be stored using the Data Protection API.

public class EncryptService
private readonly IDataProtector _protector;

public EncryptService(IDataProtectionProvider provider)
_protector = provider.CreateProtector("myPurpose");

public string EncryptData(string input)
return _protector.Protect(input);

public string DecryptData(string encryptedData)
return _protector.Unprotect(encryptedData);

4. Database Encryption: Use Entity Framework Core with a database that supports encryption, such as SQL Server’s Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), to protect data at rest.

These steps, along with regular security audits and adhering to best practices, can significantly reduce the risk of sensitive data exposure in your Web API.

XML External Entities (XXE)

XXE attacks can occur when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser. ASP.NET Core applications that use XML should disable XML external entity processing in their XML parsers and use less complex data formats like JSON, where possible.

To mitigate XML External Entity (XXE) vulnerabilities in an ASP.NET Core application, you can disable DTD processing in the XmlReaderSettings and ensure that any XML parsing libraries you use are configured to prevent XXE attacks. Here’s an implementation example for ASP.NET Core:

public class XmlService
public XmlDocument LoadSafeXmlDocument(string xml)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.XmlResolver = null; // Disabling XML resolver prevents XXE attacks

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings
DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit, // Prohibit DTD processing
XmlResolver = null // This ensures that external resources are not loaded

using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml), settings))

return xmlDoc;

This service class provides a method LoadSafeXmlDocument that takes an XML string, disables any XML resolver to prevent XXE attacks, and prohibits DTD processing, which is another common attack vector. The XmlDocument is then loaded using a secure XmlReader instance configured with these settings. This approach ensures that the XML data is processed without fetching any external entities or processing DTDs, which effectively mitigates the risk of XXE attacks.

Broken Access Control

Restricting users to only what they are permitted to do is crucial for application security. ASP.NET Core’s policy-based authorization model enables fine-grained control over access to resources. Implementing the principle of least privilege and regularly reviewing access control policies in line with OWASP’s recommendations can help prevent unauthorized access.

Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration can happen at any level of an ASP.NET Core application, from incorrect server settings to unnecessary services running. Developers should follow security best practices for configuration, ensure software is up to date, and use tools like the Microsoft Security Code Analysis package to detect misconfigurations.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS attacks enable attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. ASP.NET Core mitigates XSS by encoding data before it is output to views. However, developers should also follow OWASP guidelines, such as validating and sanitizing all input, to further reduce XSS vulnerabilities.

Insecure Deserialization

Insecure deserialization can lead to remote code execution or other attacks. ASP.NET Core developers should avoid deserializing data from untrusted sources and implement integrity checks, such as digital signatures on serialized objects.

Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

ASP.NET Core applications often depend on libraries and frameworks that may contain vulnerabilities. Developers should keep all components updated and use tools like the .NET Core CLI’s vulnerability assessment feature to identify and mitigate known vulnerabilities.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Insufficient logging and monitoring can prevent the timely detection of security breaches. ASP.NET Core supports logging through Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, which can be configured to log detailed information about access and errors. Integrating real-time monitoring and alerting mechanisms can further enhance security posture.


Incorporating OWASP’s latest recommendations into ASP.NET Core web development practices is essential for building secure web applications. By understanding and addressing the top security risks identified by OWASP, developers can protect their applications from common vulnerabilities. Continuous education, adherence to security best practices, and leveraging ASP.NET Core’s security features are key to developing robust, secure web applications.


OWASP Proactive Controls Mapped To Top Ten Vulnerabilities – OWASP.

Published by Allan Mangune

I hold the esteemed qualification of a Certified Public Accountant and have earned a Master's degree in Science with a specialization in Computer Information Systems. Since entering the realm of software development in 2000, my focus has been on adopting secure coding practices, an endeavour I have intensified after receiving my Certified Ethical Hacker v5 certification in 2008. My professional journey includes guiding clients through their digital transformation journey, particularly emphasizing digital security issues. For more than ten years, I have provided Agile Project Management training to well-known companies. I am a Certified ScrumMaster and have completed the Prince2 Agile Foundation certification. I had the privilege of being recognized as a Microsoft MVP for ASP.NET for ten consecutive years. Previously, I also served as a Microsoft Certified Trainer. As a hobby, I enjoy assembling personal unmanned aerial vehicles during my downtime.

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