Crafting Excellence in Microservices: Building a Modern Software House

In the realm of software development, constructing a robust and scalable application mirrors the intricacies of building a sophisticated house. From laying down a solid foundation to ensuring that every room serves its purpose, every aspect of architecture and design plays a pivotal role. In the digital domain, this architectural finesse is achieved through theContinue reading “Crafting Excellence in Microservices: Building a Modern Software House”

A Step-by-Step Guide to DevOps Service Connections

Deploying ASP.NET Core applications targeting .NET Core 6 and above requires a secure and robust CI/CD pipeline. A key component of this pipeline within Azure DevOps is the creation and management of service connections. These connections enable seamless communication between Azure DevOps and Azure, ensuring that your applications are deployed efficiently and securely. This articleContinue reading “A Step-by-Step Guide to DevOps Service Connections”

Deploying ASP.NET Core 6 or Higher Applications to Azure Web Apps with Azure DevOps

Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Azure Web Apps can be streamlined with Azure DevOps, ensuring that your application is always up-to-date with the latest code changes. This article will guide you through setting up a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, breaking down each part of the process for better understanding. Prerequisites Before we start, ensureContinue reading “Deploying ASP.NET Core 6 or Higher Applications to Azure Web Apps with Azure DevOps”

Illuminating the Presentation Layer: The Face of Your Application in Clean Architecture

In our ongoing series exploring Clean Architecture and its application within the .NET Core, C#, and ASP.NET ecosystem, we’ve progressively built up our understanding of the architectural layers that contribute to a robust, maintainable, and scalable software design. From laying the groundwork with the Domain Layer, orchestrating functionality in the Application Layer, to interfacing withContinue reading “Illuminating the Presentation Layer: The Face of Your Application in Clean Architecture”

Exploring the Infrastructure Layer: The Conduit of Capabilities in Clean Architecture

Building upon our journey through Clean Architecture, we’ve traversed from the foundational Domain Layer, which acts as the structural core of our software “house,” through the Application Layer, functioning much like the essential systems within that make the house livable and operational. Our next exploration takes us to the Infrastructure Layer, an equally vital componentContinue reading “Exploring the Infrastructure Layer: The Conduit of Capabilities in Clean Architecture”

Navigating the Application Layer: Bridging the Domain and the Outer World

In our exploration of Clean Architecture, we previously delved deep into the Domain Layer, uncovering its foundational role in encapsulating the core business logic and rules of a software application. We likened this critical component to the structure of a house—the walls, floors, and roof that define its shape and make it a functional, livableContinue reading “Navigating the Application Layer: Bridging the Domain and the Outer World”

Deep Dive into the Domain Layer: The Heart of Clean Architecture

In our previous article, we discussed the basics of Clean Architecture, unraveling its principles and how it paves the way for creating robust, maintainable, and scalable software. We explored the analogy of building a house, highlighting the importance of a well-thought-out structure to ensure longevity, functionality, and adaptability. Continuing our journey into the world ofContinue reading “Deep Dive into the Domain Layer: The Heart of Clean Architecture”

Understanding Clean Software Architecture

Imagine you’re building a house. You have different professionals for each task: architects to design it, builders to construct it, electricians for wiring, and decorators to make it look nice. In software development, especially in complex environments like those using .NET Core, C#, and ASP.NET, clean architecture is akin to this construction process. It’s aContinue reading “Understanding Clean Software Architecture”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Introduction Picture yourself stepping into a workplace where everything seems fine on the surface. People are busy with their tasks, meetings are happening, but there’s an issue simmering beneath it. Despite all the conversations and initiatives about diversity and inclusion, there’s a silent but powerful problem lurking beneath – harassment, unfair treatment, and discrimination. TheseContinue reading “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”

The Ultimate Guide to Ducking Those Annoying “Bank” Calls

Ever get one of those calls that make your phone scream “SPAM” louder than a can at the grocery store? And then someone on the other end claims they’re from your bank? Yeah, welcome to the club. Here’s a no-nonsense guide on what to do so you don’t get played by the scammer’s game. FirstContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Ducking Those Annoying “Bank” Calls”